Lucian Marshall Logo
I am an architectural and product designer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Outside of my day job I also do IT consulting, network design & deployment, web design, graphic design and typography. In my free time I dabble in Horology and watchmaking, beekeeping, rapid prototyping and 3D printing.
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Iraq Lobster - Lucian Marshall
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Iraq Lobster

Lucian Marshall / Iraq Lobster

Web Design

Iraq Lobster

This was my second experiment with pointless web-design; a looping clip of the dancing lobster from Family Guy. Its only purpose is to be entertaining… until you get sick of it and leave. With my first pointless website I looped both the audio and video from the same source; a YouTube video. With Iraq Lobster I have the audio playing separately with the dancing lobster as an independent element on the page (a .gif).


December 28, 2016